Monday, July 30, 2012

Free Phone and SMS apps Android

Viber Aplikasi Telepon dan SMS Gratis Android

Android app for Phone and Free SMS - Some time ago my friend must have heard about peniadaaan free SMS between operators. Yes, starting June 1 from dispensed free SMS yesterday. Actually the government does not prohibit the free SMS between operators, the government just issued a policy of cost-based interconnection. The policy aims to reduce one SMS spam. Fortunately we as Android users are pampered with a variety of applications in Google's Play Store, even there are many applications that offer phone and SMS functionality for free one of them is Viber. Okay we have discussed about this application.
Viber: Applications Top Android Phone and SMS
Viber is a free Android application that allows users to send messages and make phone calls for free. What we mean by free here is not to use a regular pulse. These applications take advantage of 3G Internet network or Wi-Fi. So my friend just use the subscription fee for Internet-only package, or if using Wi-Fi can actually free at all. So is not it better to maximize the functions of the Internet network owned by our Android smartphone, rather than having to spend a regular pulse for phone and sms.
Application Android phone and free SMS's how it works almost the same as WhatsApp. If my friend is my friend WhatsApp users would know that my friend can send messages using WhatsApp to anyone who is on your contact list buddy who also uses WhatsApp. Viber also like that. This application will search through a list of contacts that we have and then look for also those who also use Viber application. Viber will then create a new contact list that contains those who are also using Viber. Well, my friend can send messages or phone (using VoIP technology) for free to people on the list.
Indeed, to send messages for free we can use the messenger Android applications are widely available in Google's Play Store. However, for applications that have two SMS and phone functions simultaneously like Viber still the best in our opinion. If my friend often communicate with some people then tell them that you maintain phone applications and SMS is free. So my friend can freely send messages and make calls without the worry of the main pulse will be depleted due to the increasingly high rate of current GSM.
Aplikasi Telepon SMS Gratis Android

Download  Aplikasi Telepon dan SMS Gratis Android

Versi Android yang dibutuhkan adalah Android v.2.0 ke atas.
Ukuran 4,2 MB.